Saturday, July 3, 2010

A First Look

Technology seems to be moving forward at breakneck speed... I am composing this post on a rather "outdated" computer: an Asus Netbook running Windows XP home. I haven't found it necessary to upgrade it yet. My need to access information and communicate in writing with sighted people meant that I was introduced to technology at a very young age. Often the technology was very new, and learning to use it required me to stretch my critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The result is that now I am able to learn to use new technology when I need to, even when it is less than adequately accessible. I have also developed skills for troubleshooting when things don't work; and those skills have come in handy at times when my family and friends have needed some help. Finally, I enjoy exploring new technologies when I have the opportunity; and I have learned to make critical decisions about when and why to upgrade equipment.

All of these things have contributed to my decision to start this blog. There is, of course, much more to my background than this; but this is a small start. I have found that people often value tips concerning the use of technology and reviews of products that may be useful. These are things I will provide here. Much of my effort will be focused on accessibility of technology for people with disabilities; however, I will also provide information of general interest on certain topics that may be especially helpful.

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